March 2025 (Name withheld as requested for privacy)
We highly recommend Gina. She helped our son to get better when we felt there was little help elsewhere. The only solution from medical practioners was medication. The medical system has failed to recognise PANs/Pandas conditions, which I believe can have a very devastating impact, not only on children’s overall wellbeing, but also a family that is trying to cope with the challenges that this condition can cause. Our son is doing 90% better without any medication. Gina has guided us and supported all the way through. Her holistic approach and knowledge has been amazing and we will be forever grateful for that. Thank you Gina for the great work you are doing for all the children and families to get them on a right path to recovery
Amanda Wilson recommends Gina Wilson, Indaco Ltd. 2019 Gina is an absolute powerhouse. I am so very grateful for having Gina on our team. My daughters biomedical journey began with Gina some years ago and we have never looked back. Gina is such a passionate naturopath, constantly upskilling and in hand educating me as a parent, ensuring I have the tools to make better informed choices towards wellness and health. I love her kind positive approach and how much she empowers the parents of her clients. Most of all, she believes in your child as much as you do!!!
Emma Johns recommends Gina Wilson, Indaco Ltd. 2019 Gina is amazing, kind, caring and has really helped me with both of my sons ongoing issues. Highly recommend for anyone considering a holistic approach to health and wellbeing for their children.
Micaela Murray recommends Gina Wilson, Indaco Ltd. 2019 She is the best there is. intelligent, insightful, compassionate, and has been 100% correct about everything. We are so lucky to have her. Life changing
Storm Baynes-Ryan recommends Gina Wilson, Indaco Ltd Gina is super clear about what will and wont work for different presentations, and different children. I would definitely recommend her for tricky and “unresolvable” issues – if she can’t fix it by golly she will try!
Anita Baldwin recommends Gina Wilson, Indaco Ltd. Gina has looked after both of my children that have autism. The results have been amazing. She is extremely caring and goes out of her way to help
I just wanted to thank you again for everything you have done for us. You are one of the three people we will always be very grateful too. I often look back on that first day we came to you when T was very sick, he was only about 2 years and three months old. We were very desperate as at that stage we didn’t know what to do to help him, he would only eat honey, fruit bars and drink lots of milk. He wouldn’t sleep and he was passing huge blood clots in his bowel motions and an X-ray showed his bowels were completely blocked up. All the doctors could do was give us lactolose (10mls) twice a day which did absolutely nothing. I look at T today and wonder what would have been had we not met you, I know he would not be the boy he is today…full of life, funny, smart, sweet and a joy to be around. When I look at both T and H I see happy healthy content children, no different from their peers at school. So I just wanted to send you a quick message to say thank you, I don’t know where we would have been without thank you!
What can I say about Biomedical Intervention??
Diet being the first critical key to our never ending puzzle….for the first time ever food sensitivities are not an issue, extreme pain and discomfort have reduced dramatically. Through our never ending battle of “trial and error”, with our Supa Dupa over the top sensitive daughter, its a relief to know that the diet has made a huge difference to her. Basic stuff really , GF/CF lots of Veges and Broths and Kefir!!Coconut to be precise! …… We had never been able to tackle diet correctly, until we found “Our Wonderful Gina” Her huge knowledge and intuition! and of course patience!! she’s a Goddess alright Sam!! Lyn
Kefir family
Client Feedback and Comments:
Seminar May 2018
“That was incredible! Food was beautiful as were the speakers and organisation of the seminar. Thank you so much Gina”
“Awesome conference Gina, you are a star and I hope everyone involved realises how fortunate they are to have you doing this”
A very happy Mum documenting her sons journey.
Sept 2014
How are you? Thought that as it was the school holidays it made for a good time to drop you a quick line to let you know how well B is getting on. He started school end of Feb and is doing so so so well. He is at standards for everything and has lots of lil friends, goes for play dates, participates appropriately in the classroom and is like a very normal child - other than his behaviour- due to all the ABA he would probably be the best behaved child in the classroom. He tries to write stories, independently tells me about his day and independently asks questions about mine. He is a caring loving boy, who is also a great supportive friend. Great eye contact, answers when spoken to, is extremely "connected" and is just so freakin happy!!!!!!! We can not be more proud of him!! The food on the other hand is always going to be a freakin challenge - which it is here that his autism shines thru lol. He eats a wide variety of veggies and some fruit but the meat will always be a challenge - he does eat ravioli spag bol, sausages, chicken in several forms, homemade veggie packed sausage rolls, homemade hamburgers, hotdogs and savoury veggie packed mince!!! So as I type it seems like a lot but believe me its not and makes for dinner time a challenge. Mum picks him up on a Weds so he has to try something new every week - which he hates but due to all the ABA he can be bribed leading to a reward. But we feel that after the crappy start we had and the mammoth journey if the food is the only thing we have to worry about we think we are winners. Anyways if it wasn't for you and Leila i don't know where we be. The broth was still the best thing we could have done (mum and I still talk about the bone days), gluten/dairy free and you both heavily steering me to ABA - words could never tell you how thankful we are as a family - and as I know it takes a"village" your support was paramount. Now i know that I doubt you would ever need someone in your corner- but if you ever do please let me know!! And don't ever forget us!!!!Lots of love A
Hi Gina Lina,
Been a long time so I thought that I should touch base to let you know how we are getting on...... which is great!!!!!
Sleeping like a gem!!!!! and has been now for some months which has been brilliant - woke for the first time on Friday night and was quite hard to settle but who knows what that was about - but I can deal with once and a while!!!! Eating is brilliant!! As we speak B is downstairs feeding him his 5th spoonful of quinoa which is his first time. He is now eating ham (loves it) peas, rice, pumpkin pears, apples, chicken, and mince with a very plain pasta sauce (still a little bit trying this one).
But through all this he is trying different things all on his own which is so nice to see - like raisins - he loves raisins but don't stress he doesn't get them often and just one of those little boxes. We are still going with the broth and I am still convinced that this is still what is keeping him so healthy!!!
Speech is just so funny!!!!! Talking so much better and is really trying to string sentences together, which we generally cant understand but at least hes trying.
However, he says hundreds of words now, so guessing that he is picking it up from daycare ( he is now in the big kids room) , ABA and everyday life. This will make you laugh, he can tell you every letter on a keyboard!!! Taught himself, he has some toy that does letters, and use it as my party trick.
He is riding his bike now, which I never thought was going to happen and plays so well with the other kids at daycare. He still has his funny little quirks but he is such a cool dude and is becoming more and more like an average three year old. CARD told me in the last clinic meeting that he is now about on par with where he should be except for speech but I am not worried as I can see that coming every day.
Anyways, I will keep you in the loop - hope that all is well with you
September 2011
Just wanted to drop you both a quick note just to let you know how we are getting on........Firstly, the sleep is a million times better. We have had nights that he has slept through but still is waking once, but at about 4-5 am so I give him a bottle and he sleeps through to about 7.30 (which I am totally not complaining about). So I am guessing that the secret herbal mixture with the lacto whatever Gina that you gave him must be working.He is now using words and in some cases trying to string 2 together. He is just such a different boy... and happy!!!........
March 2011
Our son was diagnosed with ASD when he was 18mnths old. He was constantly sick with ear and chest infections, had terrible eye contact, struggled with socialisation, no words and still hadnt clapped, waved or pointed. My husband and I started down the long and often confusing path of information and help that is all readily available but not sure on where to start. Through Ohomairangi Trust we found Gina. First things first, B was immediately removed off gluten and dairy – scary really when you think that he was still having milk bottles. But with Gina’s reassurance, we changed him quickly and successfully over to rice milk. In some respects the changes in the diet were not overly hard as B really only ate 4 things- chicken nuggets, fries toast and crackers. The first week of changing B diet we started to see changes. The first thing that we noticed that the tantrums stopped – so my husband and I were so encouraged. So, from there we went to homemade beef broth. Now when Gina first discussed the broth with me the very first thing I thought was “no way Jose!! There is no way that this boy was going to give up his yummy sweet rice milk”. But she kept telling me that he will love it – and that just about every kid does. So, I delayed it!! Stupid really but had to get my head around it as I knew that I was going to have a battle ahead of me. So, I got the pressure cooker out (with the help of my mum), put the organic bones in with carrots and courgettes and onions and off we went. It only took a couple of days for B to accept the change and we havent looked back. He drinks about 1 litre a day of broth- which can be time consuming with having to make it (but easier with a pressure cooker) but the difference in him is remarkable and makes turning my kitchen into a soup kitchen so worthwhile. He has now been on the diet for nearly 4 months. He is an outgoing, happy wee boy that chats to everybody and does so with beautiful eye contact. He now points and claps, starting to say some words, has only been sick once and now come to me for cuddles. We just can’t believe the change. We don’t know where to start to thank Gina. I have leaned on her heavily and she has always been there for me – making all of this so much easier – particularly when times have been tough. But it has all been so worth it and I am so looking forward to continuing our journey together
Seminar feedback
May 2014
Thanks so much GIna! You and Leila are the dynamic (and gorgeous might I add) duo of biomed intervention. You are shining lights and the complete opposite of most of the "stuffed shirts" we've come across who diagnosed our children with the doom and gloom news and offered no hope.
May 2014
I just wanted to say thank you so much for doing the seminar on Saturday. C and I thoroughly enjoyed it and it was very beneficial to us both. Although L isn't autistic we certainly have huge challenges with him. C had been querying the money I have been spending on supplements and change of diet etc as we have been on a tight budget lately but after coming along on Saturday he can now see that there is method to my madness and he now thoroughly backs it. He even said after we left that he was really pleased he went along and it was definitely worth the money. We have been struggling a bit with L diet and he has been upset eating different food to C and my other son so C suggested that we all eat GFCF while L is on his 3 month trial. That will definitely make shopping and cooking a lot easier!
Anyway thanks again.
August 2014
Hi Gina
Thanks again for the awesome conference yesterday. Great coming away inspired and re-energised re family nutrition!
August 2014
Firstly thank you so much for the seminar on Saturday. It was just fantastic to say the very least, it was worth the day trip down from Whangarei!
August 2014
Hi Gina
> Thank you so much for last weekends seminar. It was the refresher I needed to get us back on track. I've made quite a few changes this week and I'm feeling motivated more than ever! .....
August 2013
As a parent of children with autism I feel we are so lucky to have you both work with our children. I would have hate to think of what would have had to us as a family if you hadn't been there to help us.I think you both do a great job and give so much back.
August 2013
Thank you so much for the fantastic Seminar on the weekend.. I found it so helpful, and it gave me so much faith and hope for my little boy to recover from Autism.. I have already started putting into practice all the great advice I was given, and hopefully the results will show in my son.
August 2013
Thank you for a great seminar on Saturday - very enlightening and it filled in a lot of gaps that I didn't even realise were issues, or potential issues for the long term. So much makes sense now!!!
August 2013
Dear Gina and Leila,
Just a quick email to thank you for the seminar on the weekend. It was great to get a better understanding of what we are doing for our child. It was also great to speak to other parents in the same boat as us.
We particularly enjoyed the talk that Helen gave as we had somewhat neglected our own health in favour of our child's health. So it was a good wake up call for us as parents.
ACNEM presentation
I just want to offer a big huge thank you from all of us at ACNEM for your very professional and well received presentation. ACNEM Thank You 17/11/11
J Greenidge
Hi Gina, Well I can't believe 3 months have shot past! We have seen a BIG change in G and I have to put it mostly down to the strict GF side of things (maybe Soy free too). Our usual diet has improved slightly on the vegie and nutritious baking front but was pretty good already. After 2 weeks GF we saw a slow but steady improvement in energy, behaviour, no more yawning and fainty, pale child in mornings. No more continuous nagging to get ready for school. One much more relaxed Mum!G previously would never go and play outside willingly, after one month on GF she shocked us one weekend by getting dressed ! without being asked and headed out to the trampoline straight after brekky. Went out 4 more times during the same day for a 15 min bounce by herself!! Excuse all the exclamation marks but this is very exciting. For the last 10 years I have had a difficult kid and even avoiding all chemicals, excess sugar, dairy products and most gluten containing food I knew she still wasn't quite right.THANK YOU!!We had one muck up when she ate dumplings at an asian friends house (little English spoken). All her old symptoms came back and although I was mad about the mistake it was probably a good reminder for her as to why she needs to be careful.
Kind regards,J Greenidge.
L Yates
I would like to offer my gratitude and thanks to Gina (Naturopath) who offered us a wealth of knowledge and information, and a successful out come when our baby had an acute out break of eczema. At six months of age I introduced solids to my baby and at ten months he was weened, during this time he began to develop small persistent patches of eczema which wouldn't clear. By the time he was eleven months old he had an aggressive out break of weeping, itchy eczema sores from head to toe. Gina explained that this was a build up of toxins in the body due to food issues and that's the body's way of trying to eradicate the over load.
After three GP visits and two referrals to pediatric dermatologists, we finally got diagnosis of a rare type of Discoid Ecema.
Gina came highly recommended to me and proved to be an extremely professional and empathetic Naturopath, who's extensive knowledge and training has proved to be an absolute god send.
Gina recommended some drastic dietary changes and a range of natural supplements, and the results were highly visible within the first few days of implementation. We noticed an extreme improvement in not only our baby's skin but also his happy little personality returned, he was no longer agitated by the severe itching of his skin, he was able to sleep through the night, and was generally so much more settled.
Eczema can bring huge stress to not only the little one suffering from the condition, but also to parents who suffer alongside their children, we are always continually searching for a cure or treatment to bring back normality for our children.
So we would like to give our heartfelt thanks to Gina for sharing wisdom with us, her passion for her work shines through, and is an absolute credit to her, and as a family we are immensely grateful for such a successful outcome for our precious son.
Kindest regards
L Yates
Anita Baldwin
June 2010
We have a son that was just over 2yrs old and we had a 6 week old when S was diagnosed with autism. We started doing biomedical but we were having huge issues with our son. We were doing gluten dairy free at this stage. Our son did not sleep , 1am every morning he would scream and scream it could go onto 5am every morning. My husband and I were exhausted as it had been going on for a year. We tried so many things then we met an angel called Gina. I will never forget our first conversation. I was desperate. It was surprising our marriage was still together.
Gina changed the diet completely onto GAPS. She told us about coconut juice , beef stock , vegetable juicing. She told us exactly what to buy and how to do it.
Gina guided us through what to do and we followed it to the letter of the law. If Gina said it had to be done it was done, and within a period of 8 weeks slowly S slept longer and the screaming periods got shorter. It does take some time but we could see we were getting head way. Then when S slept all night my husband and I woke up we thought he was dead. We had to check and see. Today we are almost two years down the track and our son is doing so well and looks so healthy and sleeps all night.
S goes to kindy four mornings week, and we get asked often are you sure he has autism because the symptoms are less and less now.
All through this time Gina supported us through e-mail and phone and she came to see S as well. She always responded quickly and was so caring towards us. She saved my sanity, marriage and S health. Gina also guided us through our young baby's life, how to feed her and gave us plans which we have followed so both children are doing so well to the stage we never see a G.P. The children are rarely sick, I put it down to biomedical and diet.
I myself see such huge changes I have gone dairy and gluten free and feeling better and better all the time.
Sam Walker
Do you know the Green Goddess from British TV? It takes on a whole new meaning when we talk about Gina.
My kids have recovered from biomed alone. No other intervention was needed. We have removed tummy pains and head aches as well as anxiety and tantrums.
My children are amazing thanks to a diet which is gf/cf and free from anything artificial, colours and numbers. They eat like queens – a huge breakfast of protein and vegetables, they have 3 small meals at school and they eat vegetables or soup for dinner.
We take vitamins and minerals to supplement the diet, as well as omega 3 and digestive enzymes. Kefir and fermented veggies feature every day.
Any accidents result in the children retreating back to autism, such as 2 weeks ago when the school gave my daughter a “treat” for being good – a flavoured ice pop! Alice went crazy on it.
Biomed is the best thing I ever discovered. What a pity we all lost sight of eating well. Our diet wouldn’t look out of place 150 years ago.
Sam Walker
Proud biomed parent of 2 thriving angels
Sept 09
We have been doing the biomedical and diet intervention for three months. In this time we have seen significant changes.
When we went to Gina we were very desperate as our son was very unwell (severely constipated) and had restricted his diet to milk, toast, fruit breakfast bars, and bananas. He was waking continuously throughout the night; he was upset grumpy and unsettled a lot of the time. He would have tantrums throughout the day and was very difficult for us to manage.
Gina advised us to start by changing both our children to a gluten and casein free diet. Our son was very addicted to milk and we knew this would be a challenge but through guidance from Gina we gradually weaned him off milk and onto beef and chicken broth. The only things he would eat was gluten free chocolate muffins with chicken and veges hidden in them and honey. This carried on for about four weeks before he would eat anything else. After three months of starting the diet he is now eating meat and vegetables amongst other foods, he is nearly fully on the GAPS diet which is great.
We have seen great changes in the last three months, he is now sleeping through the night, he has excellent eye contact, we now get spontaneous hugs and he is talking a lot more. His teachers at daycare say they have noticed dramatic changes. He now asks to go to "playschool" and when we get there he looks for his friend and runs off to play. Before we started the diet he would get so upset and scream and cry when we arrived at daycare. It would sometimes take half an hour for me to leave it would take that long to calm him down. He is generally more alert and aware of his surroundings and people. Three months ago he would scream if we didn't turn on the same nursery rhyme CD in the car, now he is happy to listen to different music on the radio.
These are some of the many changes that we have seen in our 2 year old after three months of changing to the gluten/casein and grain free diet and using biomedical supplements. We have achieved all this through the guidance and support of Gina, it has been a tough three months but it has definitely been worth it.
Gabrielle Hogg
Date: 27th September 2009
I will be 22 in November. I have had numerous diagnosis over my life.
I had chronic ear infections as a kid. They originally thought I was deaf but hearing tests ruled that out. And I had other immune problems as well. I had speech and language therapy from the ages of 3 1/2 to about 8 1/2. At age 10 I was diagnosed with Dyspraxia and Dyslexia.
At age 12 I was diagnosed with Asperger's over in Australia at the ISADD. But my mum did not want to believe it at the time because Dad only tested me to try and keep me in Australia saying my mum was a bad mum. So I don't blame my mum for not wanting to believe. At age 16 I was diagnosed with Asperger's and borderline Global Intellectual Impairment. But I believe that the diagnosis should of been High Functioning Autism as I showed many signs of Autism as a baby. There are pictures of me as a baby being totally spaced out and staring out to space. I talked and walked late. I did not crawl at all. I also chewed on my hands constantly all the time when I was a baby, even showed that sign when I was maybe not even 6 months old. Half the time I was in a world of my own. I believe the speech and language therapy moved be along the spectrum. Halfway through 20
08 I attended a seminar on Biomedical Interventions to treat Autistic Spectrum Disorders and other varying disorders out there. The Biomedical seminar was very beneficial to me and I got a lot out of it then I would off from other specialists that I have dealt with in the past. I found out loads of information about why I had an Autistic Spectrum Disorder and other disorders I had been diagnosed with over the years in the first place. This was the only implantation to actually make sense to me. When I was diagnosed with an ASD and a borderline Global Intellectual Impairment at age 16, all they could do was to suggest to me and my family that information on ASD should be provided to us. That was really no help to me at all. I am not saying that the people that diagnosed are not good people, all I’m saying is that, that approach did not work with me because it was not helping me to achieve the goals I needed to survive in this world. After the seminar Natasha Delgarno introduced me to Gina Wilson, and I set up an appointment with her. The first thing Gina told me to do was to go on the Gluten Free and Casein Free diet, and also to stay off Aspartame and Flavour Enhancers. She also got me to have a blood test done to see what supplements I would need. Gina consulted with Dr Lelia Mason (Although I didn’t see the Dr Lelia Mason as she works with children I want to thank her anyway for her help.) I was on the GFCF diet for about a month before I started the supplements. Just that alone made a real difference in my life. In that first month my racing thoughts started to go down, as well as eliminating the exscma, chronic migraines, and the other immunity problems I had. The blood test revealed that I was extremely low in vitamin D, low in zinc, and other important nutrients. So Gina got me started on B Complex Forte, Cod Liver Oil, Zinc oral drops, and a Probiotic to help with the gut. At age 16 I was diagnosed with Asperger's and borderline Global Intellectual Impairment. My high school at the time thought that I wouldn’t be able to even go to university or do anything else, they didn’t exactly tell me that but that’s certainly how they treated me. (But it’s not their fault, they were just under educated when came to students with an ASD). I also overheard at one stage in my life that I should have been put into a group home as they thought I would not be able to cope. Going onto the GFCF diet and taking supplements to help myself and the ASD behaviours, has improved my IQ, I am no longer considered intellectually impaired and I fall in the average range now. Also before I started the biomedical intervention I had chronic migraines every single day I could not think clearly, I was in selective mustism half the time because of chronic anxiety I could not com
municate to my family whether I was hot/cold well anything along the lines of feelings, but now since I have been on the diet my migraines have vertically gone, I'm starting to think more clearly, the anxiety is starting to go down. My communication is getting way better as my mental health support worker says 'that she has noticed that I'm beginning to communicate more and more, it may not be in the conventional ways of what NT's would communicate" but this wanting to find ways of communicating is very new for me and I have never done what I am doing at the moment before, and best of all I can actually start to look people in the EYES, I may not be able to read the eyes yet, but I have never been able to look in a persons eyes before, and now I'm noticing that I can look in peoples eyes with out freaking out as I say I was doing before I started biomedical intervention. And I put this all down to the biomedical intervention and I believe there is still more that I can achieve going the biomedical way. But I also know that it will never take away who I am, ASD will always be apart of my journey in life, biomedical will always be apart of a long life journey as well, I know I always will be different from other people, but I also know that the biomedical intervention can stop and prevent alot of the behaviors in ASD that I don't like, for example the
constant biting of my fingers because of high anxiety and also the rocking backward and forwards and the thumb sucking. I know biomedical doesn't cure ASD but what it does do is lessen the severity of it and stop the stomach pains, the constant immune system problems, etc. By me going the biomedical way does not mean that I don't like ASD or ASD people, all it means is that I'm wanting to help myself to become a better person that I can be, that God created to be. As my friends in church say that “anyone can be cured from any disorder they have if this is God’s will to be done, if that means going the biomedical way, let that be”. Although there have been times where people have not supported me in choosing the biomedical over conventional ways, including the time when over in Australia when I wanted to go live there, my family there did not choose to want to support me, so I regressed over that 4 weeks while I was there. It ended up with me coming back to New Zealand as I knew my family and friends over here would support me in what I want to do with helping with my ASD. Believe when I say it has been a hard road, I never want to go off the GFCF diet ever again, it was hard enough to get back on it when came back to New Zealand. I know the consequences if I do choose to eat the foods that I’m not allowed to have, and I have a personal choice to not make myself sick any more then what I am based on how my mother brought me up as a child, my mother used to always say “you need to look after yourself including your body because God has loaned us the bodies we have until we get to heaven and we need to respect that”, I believe that also means we need look after our bodies by what we put into our bodies for example the foods we eat. There is still a long road ahead of myself; I’m willing and committed to taking this journey to healing myself. Who else will join me on my walk to healing myself? Whether it be that you have ASD yourself, or you have family members with ASD, are a professional and want to learn the ways of biomedical, or you simply are a kind enough person to join us in the walk together to healing ASD and others disorders. Those of you who already chose this walk with me and those of you that want to join us in the walk, I commend you all for your hard work, patience, tolerance, and understanding to make it a better world for those of us that experience an ASD on a regular basis.
I want to especially to thank Gina Wilson for getting me onto this pathway with the rest of the professionals, families and other kind people out there. Thank you for your continuing support for helping those families and people in need and especially the children with ASD and other disorders and of course myself.
Gabrielle Hogg